Rohaise Rose-Bristow - MI


The Torridon

Rohaise is an entrepreneur and joint owner of The Torridon, a 58-acre estate that consists of a 30-bedroom resort, a Gastronomy restaurant, a Brasserie restaurant, self-catering boathouse and an outdoor adventure company. Employing 55 staff. Rohaise a Qualified Coach and Group Trainer is the People Director of the company with a focus on offering every member of the team an individually led training and development program. Rohaise also drives the design and excellence within the company and the company has won a number of industry and tourism awards including the prestigious Independent Hotel of the Year Award at the 2018 Cateys and Five Red Stars in 2019. In 2017, Rohaise was appointed Chairman of: Apprenticeship in Hospitality Scotland (AHS). An industry-led apprenticeship training program that focuses on offering world-class hospitality training in Scotland. Rohaise focuses on the strategic development of the organisation, which was recently awarded the Princess Royal Training Award. The launch of the Chef Apprenticeship in 2021, enables a fully rounded hospitality training program for young people. Rohaise believes she has the best job in the world but with 30 years’ experience in the industry, she still has a lot to learn. Her continued passion for development drives her enthusiasm for CPD. Currently studying for an ILM Level 5 Coaching and Mentoring Qualification, gaining a License to deliver, Resilience Training and undertaking an on-line course in Happiness and Well-Being with Yale University. Rohaise also is an active hospitality business ambassador, involved in a number of committees and advisory panels: - UK Hospitality committee -Director of AHS - Hospitality Action Member - Master Innholder - Fellow of Institute of Hospitality - MIDAS Committee Member - SAAB Advisory Member - Member of Association of Coaching - Member of Institute of Leadership & Management